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Monday, February 7, 2011


much love mondays
well i am feeling MUCH better than last week 
(i was sick with either the flu or food poisoning)
so many things to love today....

* feeling better = love!!
* taking pictures this past weekend
* enjoying the company of my mans friends - we had a blast!
* getting great news from my older brother
* that its 0 degrees outside today (warm for this time of year in canada)
* an upcoming weekend with very little plans
* drinking water
* one more week till valentines day - 
so hearts are everywhere!

go check out anna's much love page for more!



  1. Loving the simple things in life always makes you feel better doesn't it?

    I found your blog via Much Love Monday. I hope you have a great week!

  2. simple is good!!
    your blog is great :)
    thanks for checking me out!
    i like your idea of much love monday button on the sidebar, i think im going to add that.
